Bacillus megaterium (AUM72)-mediated induction of defense related enzymes to enhance the resistance of turmeric (Curcuma longaL.) to Pythium aphanidermatumcausing rhizome rot Uthandi BOOMINATHAN and Palanivel K. SIVAKUMAAR pp. 1-8

Effect of varying level of diversification and intensification of rice-wheat cropping system on the production potential and nutrient balance of soil in Indo-Gangetic Plain of India Ravi K. SINGH, J. S. BOHRA, Triyugi NATH and Rajeev K. SRIVASTAVA pp. 9-16
Morphological and physiological changes during adventitious root formation as affected by auxin metabolism: Stimulatory effect of auxin containing seaweed extract treatment Andreja Urbanek KRAJNC, Maja TURINEK and Anton IVANČIČ pp. 17-27
Genetic diversity of Christmas rose (Helleborus nigerL.) natural local populations as revealed by AFLP markers Andrej ŠUŠEK pp. 37-43
Body morphological characteristics of honey bees Hossam F. ABOU-SHAARA, Ahmad A. AL-GHAMDI and Abdelsalam A. MOHAMED pp. 45-49
The effect of seminal plasma alkaline phosphatase, fructose and aspartate-amino-transferase on non-return rate in bulls Igor VOJTIC pp. 51-54
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Investigation of phytotoxicity regarding copper fungicides applied to apples Mario LEŠNIK, Stanislav VAJS, Vesna GABERŠEK and Vili KURNIK pp. 55-59