Aims and scope
The journal publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, and farm buildings, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, preservation of biodiversity, biotechnology, microbiology, physiology, soil science, and bioethics.
Also papers discussing innovative pedagogical methods, philosophy of education, or solutions to teaching problems in life science may be included.
Types of article
The journal publishes various types of manuscripts, including: original articles, review articles, research notes, extended abstracts of master’s and doctoral works, short communications, and letters to the editor.
Original Articles
Research results must not have been previously published in any other scientific journal, and must be prepared according to the standards of quality of original scientific manuscripts. The methodology developed and the results obtained must be in conformity with the scientific and statistical standards. The maximum permitted length is twenty-five typed pages, including the supplements.
Review Articles
Invited speakers presenting delivering symposium lecture and congresses may be invited by the editor-in-chief to submit their presentations for publication in journal A. Manuscripts must be presented according to the style and form of the journal A, and must include the date and title of the symposium. Review articles, which do not derive from invitation lectures given at symposium must contain in their title the added words "Review", and must conform to all the prescribed criteria which apply for scientific articles.
Research Notes
In the case of Research Notes, the authors’ manuscripts are limited to a maximum of five pages, presented in accordance with the instructions of A, and offering to the readers their most significant research achievements.
Technical Notes
In the Technical Notes, the authors of manuscripts present a new method, technique or approach. The results must be statistically supported and, as far as possible, be compared with the existing standards. In exceptional cases, e.g. in immunohistochemistry, statistical analysis is not required. The length of the articles should not exceed five pages, written according to instructions of A.
Short Communications
The manuscripts, including the results, should not exceed two pages, following the instructions of A.
Letters to the Editor
The content of Letters to the Editor must be linked to the contents of materials published in the journal A. The Letters to the Editor are meant for the exchange of different views and opinions, and scientific hypotheses. Together with references they must not exceed one typed page. The decision on the publication of letters is taken by the editor-in-chief of the journal. Authors of the original papers may also be invited to respond to letters referring to their articles.
Instructions to authors
Manuscripts to the journal A must not have been previously published in any other scientific journal. Following the acceptance for publication, the authors automatically receive the copyright protection. All those who wish to reproduce material published in the journal A must obtain prior consent from the editorial board for the reproduction. In the case of illustrations, a note of acknowledgement to the original source must be published beneath them.
The article review procedure
Manuscripts submitted to the editorial board will be assessed by two reviewers. Members of the editorial board and the other qualified reviewers are experts in particular scientific fields, as proven by their research excellence. The reviewer prepares evaluation of the manuscript on the basis of instructions of A, referring to the choice of correct approaches and the suitability of methods, statistical analysis, the clarity of the text, logics and ethical principles. Furthermore, the reviewer must also take care to note whether the contributions add any new scientific occurrences, whether the results support the formulated hypotheses, and whether the content of the article is suited to the nature of the journal A. Should it happen that the manuscript is rejected, the author may discuss the matter with the editor-in-chief of the journal. The editor-in-chief will than consult with members of the editorial board and convey a written decision to the author. The manuscript may also go for second assessment. Following the second assessment, the decision of the editor-in-chief of the journal shall remain final.
Manuscript submission
Manuscripts should be written in English. Manuscript should be submitted to the e-mail address of the editor-in-chief: Dejan ŠKORJANC
University of Maribor,
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Pivola 10, 2311 Hoče, Slovenia
Tel: (386) 2 320 90 25
fax: (386) 2 616 11 58
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The manuscript must be submitted on A4 paper (21 x 29.5 cm), leaving a margin of at least 1 inch all around. It must have numbered lines and be written in the Arial script, font 12, and double spacing. The illustrations must be presented independently on separate pages.
First page
On the first page, write the running head (title with no more than 60 characters), title of the manuscript all authors’ full names, and institution address(es). Indications of professorial ranks or other professional titles should not be used. The corresponding author(s) must also include full addresses, together with telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address.
The second page contains the Abstract, with a maximum length of 200 words, summarising the aims, results and conclusions deriving from the research. Beneath the Abstract up to five keywords should be listed. The keyword must be drawn from AGROVOC – the Multilingual Agriculture Thesaurus (1995), or from some other suitable base (e.g. CAB Thesaurus).
The Introduction follows the Abstract. It must explain the purpose of the research and the hypothesis. Only the most important references from the literature should be mentioned. The Introduction should not exceed two pages.
Material and Methods
In the Material and Methods section, authors must describe accurately their approaches, analytical methods and statistical models. It must be clearly evident that, for example, the animals were not subjected to inhumane treatment, and that the experiments were carried out within the framework of the state and local laws and regulations governing the treatment of and working with experimental animals. For the Republic of Slovenia the law in force is the Law on the Protection of Animals (ZZZiv) published in 1999 in issue no. 58 of the Uradni list Republike Slovenije (Official Gazette of the RS). In the case of research on plants, it must be evident from the description of the experiment that no destruction of the biotic diversity was involved. Publication will be made only of those research works which are conducted in accordance with the above-mentioned ethical code. A detailed description must also be given of all factors which have been altered in the experiment, and which could influence the research results.
A suitable statistical model must be used which enables a correct analysis of the data.
The Results form a separate section. The text relates to the results obtained, although it should not contain a repetition of the data given in the tables or figures.
In the Discussion, in clear language, the biological or other mechanisms must be described. The results should also serve to clarify the hypothesis which was formulated in the Introduction, and which in the continuation of the experiment was either rejected or supported with the results.
The Acknowledgements follow the Discussion, and are placed before the References.
In the text, only the most important citations from the literature must be given, and for specific assertions not more than three citations arranged in chronological order should be included. When citing authors in the text, the following approaches are used: if there is only one author of the cited article, the mention is given either as Zinn (1994) or as (Zinn 1994); if there are two authors, cite the reference throughout the text using the name(s) and date (e.g., Launchbaugh and Provenza 1994), or as Launchbaugh and Provenza (1994). If there are several authors, cite the reference throughout the text with “et al.” following the last name of the first author, e.g. Fukudo et al. (1997), or as (Fukudo et al. 1997). If the same author appears with several articles published in the same year, this should be noted with added letters (Mak et al. 1992a, Mak et al. 1992b). The cited references must also be suitably marked in the review of the literature. References which are cited in the text, and which have been accepted for publication but have not yet been published can be listed in the literature cited with the designation ("in press") following the journal title.
Citation of references are given in accordance with the Vancouver approach (JAMA, 1993; 269: 2282-6) and are numbered and ordered by alphabetical order of the authors’ names in References.
Journal articles
1. Norrby K. Angiogenesis: New aspects relating to its initiation and control. Review article. APMIS 1997;105:417-37.
2. Olson EN. MyoD family: a paradigm for development ? Genes Dev. 1990;4:1454-61.
3. Pette D, Vrbova G. Adaptation of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers to chronic electrical stimulation. Rev. Physiol. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1992;120:116-202.
Chapters from books
Valin C, Quali A. Proteolytic muscle enzymes and post mortem meat tendernisation. In: Smulders FJM, Toldrá F, Flores J, Prieto M (eds.), New technologies for meat and meat products. ECCEAMST, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1992:158-66.
Gordon I. Controlled reproduction in pigs. In: Controlled reproduction in farm animals series, volume 3. CAB International, Cambridge, UK, 1997.
Pernuš F. Morfometrična analiza mikroskopskih posnetkov mišičnih vlaken [dissertation]. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in računalništvo, Univerza v Ljubljani, 1991.
Computer programs for statistical analysis
SPSS for Windows. Standard version (Release 8.0.1.) SPSS“ Inc., 1998.
The tables must be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals. Each table must also be mentioned in the text. The wording of the title of the table is written on a separate page. If the table includes data which indicate a statistically significant difference between two means, then the signs *, **, ***, should be used, and included under the table. These signs signify the following: * defines P<0.05, ** defines P≤0.01, and *** defines P≤0.001. If you are making a comparison between several means, the differences between them should then be marked by small superscript letters (3).
Each figure must be mentioned in the text. The figures must be prepared in such a way that they are suitable for direct reproduction without prior changes. The width of the graph should be between 75 mm and 160 mm. On account of the reduction in size, you should avoid using very small letters or numbers in the graph. Each figure must be numbered by the consecutive Arabic numeral, and must bear authors name. The text of the figure is presented on a separate page. In the text, an explanation of the legends must be given.
The photographs must be of high resolution and printed on glossy paper. The photographs should be black-and-white. Because of the high cost of printing coloured photographs, authors are advised that they should first consult the editor. Coloured photographs will be printed only at the author(s) expense. On the reverse side of the photographs note lightly in Arabic numerals their consecutive order, and on separate page provide the accompanying text.
Names of micro-organisms, plants and animals
All names of micro-organisms, plants and animals must be entered in accordance with the rules of the existing terminology (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Tokyo code) 1994, International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995 (ICNCP or Cultivated Plant Code) 1995).
Names of substances and enzymes
For the names of chemical and biochemical substances, use Chemical Abstracts (Chemical Abstract Service, Ohio State University, Columbus).
For biochemical terminology, including abbreviations and symbols, use the recommendations of SUPAC - IUB (Commission of Biochemical Nomenclature).
Enzymes, enzymatic activity and units should be ordered according to the Enzyme Nomenclature (Academic Press 1979).
Abbreviations and units
For abbreviations and units use the SI (Standard International) units. Abbreviations must be explained at the point where they first occur in the text.
The pages of the manuscript must be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals.