Hossam F. ABOU-SHAARA, Ahmad A. AL-GHAMDI and Abdelsalam A. MOHAMED
pp. 45-49
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) consist of more than 24 different subspecies. Most of these subspecies have been classified according to their morphological characteristics, and morphological characteristics thus have an important role in the classification aspects of honey bees. Different sets of wing and body morphological characteristics have been used to characterize and classify the subspecies by many authors and for various reasons. These characteristics were defined over time and combined from various studies. Wing venation characteristics have been studied more intensely than other body morphological characteristics. Up to now there are no specific review articles focus mainly on body morphological characteristics. Therefore, the available information about sampling method, measuring method, importance and factors affecting these characteristics were reviewed to present essential conclusion and recommendations for researchers.
Key words: Apis mellifera, morphometry, body characteristics, honey bees
Morfološke značilnosti telesa medonosne čebele
Populacijo čebel (Apis mellifera) sestavlja več kot 24 podvrst. Večina teh podvrst je bila klasificirana na osnovi njihovih morfoloških lastnosti. Številni avtorji so klasifikacijo podvrsti čebel naredili na osnovi različnih sklopov kril in telesnih morfoloških lastnosti. Različne lastnosti so bile opredeljene in kombinirane iz različnih študij. Značilnosti ožiljenja kril je bilo najpogosteje proučevana lastnost. Do sedaj ni bilo narejenega preglednega članka, ki bi bil osredotočen na morfološke značilnosti. V preglednem članku so predstavljene informacije o metodah vzorčenja, metode merjenja, pomembni faktorji, ki vplivajo na lastnosti in predstavljeni so zaključki ter predlogi za raziskovalce.
Ključne besede: Apis mellifera, morfologija, telesa značilnosti, medonosne čebele
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