De Gruyter Open

From December 2015 Agricultura journal will be published in partnership with De Gruyter Open (, the world's second largest publisher of Open Access academic content, and part of the De Gruyter group which has over 260 years of publishing history. De Gruyter Open closely cooperates with the majority of abstracting and indexing services, universities and libraries, providing a wide availability of journal's content and increasing its visibility. Agricultura's full-text articles will be found also at the new address on the De Gruyter Open's platform in following weeks.

Publishing support

Publishing of the journal Agricultura is financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency.

Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Our Profile

The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439

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