Consumer satisfaction and nutrient profile of reformulated dry soups
pp. 27-34
The aim of this study was to reformulate 6 commercial dry soups available in the Egyptian market into healthy sensory and nutritional profile. Commercial dry soups (CDS) were sensory and chemically evaluated. The sensory test included 50 people; male and female equally divided (25-50y), in order to identify consumers' acceptability for the commercial and reformulated dry soups (RDS) on a 9-point hedonic scale. The RDS were simulated to commercial soup ingredients but with adding more herbs, fibre, salt replacer, no hydrogenated fats or flavour enhancers were added. Results showed that the CDS have higher fat, sodium (>0.2 g/100g) and total trans fatty acids (TFA) (>0.2 g/100g) than RDS. However, the RDS indicated to zero total TFA, reduction of total fat and sodium and increased protein, complex carbohydrates and fibres compared to CDS. Sensory evaluation results indicate that the RDS increased the liking attributes in males significantly (F = 38.34, P < 0.0001) for appearance, colour, flavour and total acceptability.
Key words: acceptance test, commercial dry soup, reformulated dry soups, total trans fatty acid, sodium
Zadovoljstvo potrošnika in prehranski profil preoblikovanih koncentriranih juh
Cilj te raziskave je bil oblikovati 6 komercialnih instant juh, ki so na voljo na egiptovskem trgu v bolj zdrav senzorični in hranilni profil. Komercialne instant juhe (CDS) so bile senzorično in kemijsko ovrednotene. V senzoričnipreskusje bilo vključenih 50 ljudi; moški in ženske so bile enakovredno razdeljene glede na spol in starost (25-50y) z namenom, da se opredelijo sprejemljivost preoblikovanih instant juh (RDS) za potrošnika s pomočjo 9-točkovne »hedonske« lestvice. Preoblikovane ali instant RDS juhe so dodali komercialnim instant juham več zelišč, prehransko vlaknino, nadomestilo soli in dodane so biletudi hidrogenirane maščobe ali pa ojačevalci arome. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo instant CDS juhe v svoji sestavi več maščob, natrija (> 0,2 g / 100 g) in skupnih trans maščobnih kislin (TFA) (> 0,2 g / 100 g) kot preoblikovane RDS juhe. RDS juhe so imele vrednost nič skupnih TFA, zmanjšane skupne maščobe in natrija ter povečano vsebnost beljakovin, ogljikovih hidratov in vlaken v primerjavi s CDS juhami. Senzorični rezultati ocenjevanja so pokazali, da imajo RDS juhe značilno več atributovnaklonjenostipri skupini moških (F = 38,34, p <0,0001) za videz, barvo, okus in skupno sprejemljivost.
Ključne besede: test, instantna juha, preoblikovana instantna juha, skupne tran maščobne kisline, natrij
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