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Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Our Profile

The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439


pp. 11-17


The effects of different adjuvants in formulating glyphosate-based herbicides and their efficacy in controlling field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) were studied. The formulations were based on mixtures of glycerine (GL), phosphate ester of ethoxylated isodecyl alcohol (PEA) and alkyl polyglucoside (APG) adjuvants at different ratios. Effects of adding ammonium sulfate (ASF) to the glyphosate spray solution were also studied. Herbicides were applied to bindweed plants grown in pots with an experimental sprayer at a volume of 250 l/ha. Visual assessments of efficacy were carried out 3 weeks and 6 months after application, when the assessment of efficacy by weighting above– and underground plant mass was also performed. The best suppression of field bindweed was observed after the 3 week assessment, in the formulations with a high proportion of PEA or an equal proportion of PEA and APG. The best control regarding the assessment of above– and underground plant mass after 6 months was achieved by using formulations with a high proportion of GL with the addition of ASF. The achieved efficacy rates of all formulations after 6 months differed from the ones observed after 3 weeks, and the efficacy observed after 6 months was on average only 60–75 % of the observed after 3 weeks. No sufficient control of the bindweed rhizome system was observed after one treatment, regardless of using any of the selected glyphosate formulations.

Key words: herbicide, formulation, weed, control


Učinki izbranih dodatkov na učinkovitost pripravkov na osnovi glifosata za zatiranje njivskega slaka (Convolvulus arvensis L.)


Preučevali smo učinke različnih dodatkov za formuliranje herbicidov na osnovi glifosata na njihovo učinkovitost pri zatiranju njivskega slaka (Convolvulus arvensis L.). Preučevani dodatki so bili na osnovi zmesi glicerina (GL), fosfatnega estra etoksiliranega alkohola (PEA) in alkil poliglukozida (APG). Dodatno smo preučevali učinke dodajanje amonijevega sulfata (ASF). Pripravke smo nanašali na rastline slaka, ki so uspevale v lončkih s poskusno škropilnico pri porabi 250 l/ha. Vizualne ocene učinkovitosti smo izvedli 3 tedne in 6 mesecev po nanosu herbicidov. Dodatno smo 6 mesecev po nanosu opravili oceno učinkovitosti s tehtanjem nadzemne in podzemne mase rastlin. Najvišjo učinkovitost po 3 tednih je imela formulacija z visokim deležem PEA ali z enakim deležem PEA in APG. Najvišjo učinkovitost glede na tehtanje nadzemne in podzemne mase rastlin po 6 mesecih so imele formulacije z visokim deležem GL ter z dodatkom ASF. Učinkovitosti vseh formulacij po 6 mesecih so se značilno razlikovale od ugotovljenih po 3 tednih. Po 6 mesecih so bile v povprečju samo še 60-75% od ugotovljenih pri 3 tednih. Rezultati poskusa nakazujejo, da s samo eno aplikacijo pripravkov, ne glede na uporabljene formulacijske dodatke v poskusu, ne moremo poškodovati rizomskega sistema slaka do te mere, da bi s tem povzročili trajno uničenje rastline.

Ključne besede: herbicid, formulacija, plevel, kontrola


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