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Growth performance, haematology and serum biochemistry of West African dwarf sheep fed cassava peel - oil palm leaf meal based diets in a hot humid tropics
Peter-Damian Chukwunomso JIWUBA, Lydia Chidimma JIWUBA, Moses Udoha ONYEKWERE
pp. 37-44
The growth performance, haematological and serum biochemical characteristics of thirty-six West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep of about 10 – 12 months of age and averaged 8.53kg in weight were sourced from the College flock. Four dietary treatments designated as T1, T2, T3 and T4 were formulated to contain 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% oil palm leaf meal (OPLM) respectively were randomly assigned to the animals. The experimental animals were divided into four groups of nine animals each, with each group replicated thrice with three animals per replicate. Each group was allotted to one of the diets in a completely randomized design. The animals were weighed at the beginning of the trial and weekly subsequently and data for growth performance were generated. Blood samples were obtained from one animal in each replicate, and data generated were analyzed statistically. Average daily feed intake, total dry matter intake and average daily weight gain were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by the dietary treatment, with animals on T4 group having higher and better values. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) also differed significantly (P<0.05) with sheep on T3 and T4 (11.82 and 11.49 respectively) having the best FCR. The haematology showed that the packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC), and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCV) were significantly (P < 0.05) improved at 10%, 20% and 30% inclusion levels of OPLM, respectively. Sheep in treatment groups had improved (P < 0.05) white blood cell (WBC) count than those on the control group. Serum biochemistry results showed that total protein, albumin and globulin were significantly influenced (P < 0.05) and tended to increase with increasing levels of test ingredient. Sheep in treatment groups had higher (P < 0.05) urea values than those on control. Creatinine values at 20% and 30% inclusion differed significantly (P < 0.05) with the control value. Cholesterol was significantly influenced (P < 0.05) and followed an irregular trend across the treatment groups. The results showed that inclusion of OPLM had a beneficial effect on the general performance of the WAD sheep. Therefore, 30% OPLM supplementation was recommended for optimum performance in WAD sheep.
Key words: Sheep, supplemental diets, proximate composition, oil palm leaf meal, cassava peel, blood parameters
Vpliv krmljenja pritlikave zahodnoafriške pasme ovac vzrejenih v vlažnih tropskih razmerah z zmesjo ostankov lupljenja gomoljev kasave in listov oljne palme na rastnost in krvno sliko
Rastnost, hematološke in biokemijske serumske lastnosti so bile proučevane pri 36. ovcah pritlikave zahodno afriške pasme, pri starosti 10 do 12 mesecev in poprečni telesni masi 8,53 kg. Živali so izvirale iz črede v lasti visoke šole. Štirje različni obroki so bili pokladani živalim T1, T2, T3 in T4, ki so vsebovali 0%, 10%, 20% in 30% zmesjo ostankov lupljenja gomoljev kasave in listov oljne palme (OPLM) v obroku ovac. Proučevane živali so bile ločene v štiri skupine, vsaka je imela po devet živali, in znotraj te so bile deljene v tri ponovitve, v vsaki so bile po tri živali. Vsaka skupina živali je dobila specifičen obrok po naključnem oblikovanju poskusa. Živali so bile individualno tehtane tedensko. Vzorci krvi so bili odvzeti eni živali iz proučevane skupine. Poprečna konzumacija krme, celokupna konzumacija suhe snovi in velikost dnevnega prirasta so bili pod značilnim vplivom obroka. Ovce skupine T4 so se značilno boljše v proučevanih lastnostih in so se značilno (P < 0,05) razlikovale od ostalih skupin. Statistično značilno najboljšo konverzijo krme so imele ovce skupine T3 in T4 (P < 0,05). Vsebnost rdečih krvnih celic ločenih od plazme (PCV), rdeče krvne celice in koncentracija hemoglobina (MCV) je bila značilno (P < 0,05) izboljšana v obrokih z 10%, 20% in 30% OPLM. Prav tako so imele proučevane skupine v krvi značilno večjo vsebnost levkocitov (P < 0,05) kot kontrola. Vsebnost skupnih proteinov, albumina in globulina je bila značilno (P < 0,05) pod vplivom naraščajočih vrednosti dodatka OPLM v krmi ovac. Ovse krmljene z dodatkom OPLM so imeli značilno (P < 0,05) večjo vsebnost uree v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. Prav tako je pri vključitvi 20% in 30% OPLM v obroku ovac imelo značilen (P < 0,05) vliv na vsebnost kreatina v primerjavi s kontrolo. Vsebnosti holesterola so bile pod značilnim (P < 0,05) vplivom OPLM, vendar se ni pokazal določen vzorec na osnovi katerega bi lahko naredili zaključke. Rezultati poskusa so pokazali, da ima OPLM dobrodejen na večino rastnih lastnosti pritlikave pasme zahodnoafriških ovac. Priporočljiva je uporaba 30% dodatka OPLM v obroku ovac za doseganje optimalnih rastnih lastnosti.
Ključne besede: ovca, krmni dodatki, kasavini olupki, palmini listi, krvni parametri
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