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Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

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The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439


pp. 25-36


In 2013 and 2014, a long-term trial (which was established in 2007) was conducted at the University Agricultural Centre in Pivola near Hoče. It included different production systems (conventional, integrated, organic, biodynamic), carried out in a field trial with oil pumpkins. The aim of the research was to analyse the effects of different production systems, varieties (hybrid and population variety) and years of production, on formation of oil pumpkin yields. The agricultural practice has been carried out in accordance with the applicable legislations and standards for the individual production system. When sowing, before fertilizing with nitrogen in early June and after the harvest, the amount of soil mineral nitrogen was monitored. We evaluated the number and weight of harvestable, unripe and decayed fruits, and yield of oil seed pumpkins and calculated the agronomic efficiency of the applied nutrients. The results showed that the year of production, the production system and the variety have a significant effect on some fruit characteristics and the yield of oil pumpkin seeds. The content of soil mineral nitrogen in May and September was significantly influenced by the production system and the year. In June, only the production system had a significant effect. The hybrid significantly increased the yields of oil pumpkin seeds in all production systems, even in the year that was less suitable for production. The agronomic efficiency of the applied nutrients in the biodynamic and organic production system is higher or equal than in the conventional production system, similarly, agronomic efficiency is higher in the hybrid compared to the oldest population variety efficiently. A comparable oil pumpkin yield can be expected in biodynamic and organic production, when proper nutrition and well carried out cultivation practices are combined with a new variety, when compared to less sustainable production systems, which often cause damage to the environment.

Key words: production systems, variety, oil pumpkins, mineral nitrogen, agronomic efficiency, yield


Vpliv pridelovalnih sistemov in sort oljnih buč (Cucurbita pepo L. group Pepo) na pridelek ter agronomsko učinkovitost hranil

V letih 2013 in 2014 smo na trajnostnem poskusu, ki poteka na lokaciji Univerzitetnega kmetijskega centra Pohorski dvor že od leta 2007, z različnimi pridelovalnimi sistemi (konvencionalni, integrirani, ekološki, biodinamični) izvedli poljski poskus. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti vplive različnih pridelovalnih sistemov, sort (hibridna in populacijska sorta) ter leta na pridelavo oljnih buč. Tehnike pridelave so bile izvedene v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo in standardi za posamezni pridelovalni sistem. V času setve, pred dognojevanjem v začetku junija in ob spravilu pridelka smo analizirali količino mineralnega dušika v tleh. Vrednotili smo število in maso dozorelih, nedozorelih in propadlih plodov buč, pridelek bučnic ter izračunali agronomsko učinkovitost dodanih hranil. Sklepamo, da imajo leto, pridelovalni sistem in sorta statistično značilen vpliv na oblikovanje pridelka in pridelek bučnic. Na količino mineralnega dušika v tleh v maju in septembru vplivata pridelovalni sistem in leto, v juniju le pridelovalni sistem. Hibridna sorta oblikuje večji pridelek bučnic v vseh pridelovalnih sistemih, tudi v neugodnih rastnih razmerah posameznega leta. Agronomska učinkovitost dodanih hranil v biodinamičnem in ekološkem pridelovalnem sistemu je, v primerjavi s konvencionalnim, večja ali enaka, podobno velja za hibrid v primerjavi s starejšo sorto. Ob primerljivi oskrbi oljnih buč s hranili in kakovostno izvedbo pridelovalnih ukrepov v povezavi z novejšo sorto, lahko tudi v biodinamičnem in ekološkem načinu kmetovanja pričakujemo primerljive pridelke buč in bučnic v primerjavi z manj trajnostno naravnanimi sistemi pridelave, ki v naravi mnogokrat povzročajo škodo.

Ključne besede: pridelovalni sistemi, sorta/hibrid, oljna buča, mineralni dušik, agronomska učinkovitost, pridelek.


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