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The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439

Peter-Damian Chukwunomso JIWUBA, Ifeanyi Princewill OGBUEWU, Elisha DAUDA, Caritas Chibuike AZUBUIKE

pp. 17-24


The responses of 96 day old broilers fed Chromolaena odorata leaf meal (COLM) on blood profile and gut microbial load were studied for 49 days. The birds were randomly assigned to four treatment groups and replicated three times in a completely randomized design. The birds were fed four experimental diets formulated at 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% for the starter phase and 0%, 4%, 8% and 12% of COLM at the finisher phase for T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. All the haematological parameters were similar (P>0.05) across the treatment groups except MCH and WBC which were significantly (P< 0.05) higher and better in the treatment groups than the control group. The results on serum chemistry showed significant (P<0.05) difference for total protein, albumin, creatinine and cholesterol across the treatment groups. Cholesterol was significantly (P<0.05) reduced with increasing levels of COLM. Results showed that coliforms and E.coli were consistently higher (P<0.05) among the T1 birds than those fed T2, T3 and T4. It was concluded that, COLM enhanced adequate haematocrit and immune status, hypoglycaemic ability, suppresses the growth of gut pathogenic microorganisms and enhanced the growth of beneficial microorganism in broilers.

Key words: broilers, COLM, leaf meal, gut health, blood profile, medicinal plant


Krvna slika in mikroflora črevesja brojlerskih piščancev krmljenih z listno moko (Chromolaena odorata)

Proučevani so bili odzivi 96-dnevnih piščancev, ki so bili 49 dni krmljeni z vključevanjem listne moke Chromolaena odorata (COLM) v obrok na profilu njihove krvi in mikroflore črevesja. Piščanci so bili naključno razdeljeni v štiri naključno oblikovane poskusne skupine in tri ponovitve. Piščanci so bili krmljeni s štirimi eksperimentalnimi dietami, s 0%, 2%, 4% in 6% COLM za prvo fazo pitanja - štarter krmo in s 0%, 4%, 8% in 12% COLM v drugi fazi – finišer krmo. Skupine so bile označene kot za T1, T2, T3 in T4. Vsi hematološki parametri so bili statistično neznačilni (P > 0,05) med skupinami, razen pri MCH in WBC, ki so bili značilno (P < 0,05) višji v testiranih skupinah v primerjavi s kontrolo. Rezultati serumske analize so pokazali značilne razlike (P < 0,05) za testirane skupine za lastnosti kot so skupne beljakovine, albumin, kreatin in holesterol v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. Holesterol je bil značilno (P < 0,05) manjši z naraščajočimi odstotki COLM v krmi piščancev. Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da so
vsebnosti coliformnih mikroorganizmov in E. coli značilno višje (P < 0,05) pri piščancih iz kontrole T1 v primerjavi s T2, T3 in T4 skupino. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je COLM spodbudno deluje na hematokrit in imunski status, na hipoglikemično sposobnost, zavira rast črevesnih patogenih mikroorganizmov in povečala rast koristnih mikroorganizmov v črevesju pitovnih piščancev.

Ključne besede: pitovni piščanci, COLM, listna moka, zdravje črevesja, krvna slika, zdravilna rastlina


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