Previous volumes:
Combining ability and breeding potential of oilseed rape advanced lines for some of important quantitative traits
Valiollah RAMEEH
pp. 9-16
Information on estimates of combining ability of the promising lines of breeding material is important for evolving higher yielding varieties of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). An experiment was conducted to quantitatively examine the genetic parameters of phenological traits, plant height, pods on main raceme, pods per plant and seed yield for eight oilseed rape genotypes using a half-diallel crosses. The result of the diallel analysis revealed significant mean squares of general and specific combining abilities (GCA and SCA) for all studied traits, indicating the importance of additive and non-additive genetic effects for these traits. On the other hand estimation of high narrow-sense heritability estimates for days to flowering, duration of flowering and pods on main raceme, indicated the prime importance of additive genetic effects for these traits. L420 and L401 with significant negative GCA effects for days to flowering and days to maturity were suitable for yielding early maturity combinations. L41, Zafar and L22 with significant positive GCA effects for seed yield were superior parents for increasing seed yield. The crosses with significant positive SCA effects for seed yield had at least one parent with significant positive GCA effects for this trait. The crosses including L41×L22, L41×LF2, Zafar×L22 and Zafar×L420 with seed yield of 3421.7, 3400, 3348.1 and 3311.3 kg ha-1 could be promising for determination of superior recombinants for high seed yield coupled with other growth characters in advanced generations of segregation.
Key words: Additive genetic effects, Brassica napus, degree of dominance, combining ability, heritability, oilseed rape, yield
Potencial razmnoževanja selekcioniranih linij oljne repice na nekatere pomembne kvantitativne lastnosti
Informacije o ocenah združevanja lastnosti potencialnih linij plemenskega materiala so pomembne za razvoj boljših sort oljne repice (Brassica napus L.). S preiskavo smo proučevali kvantitativne genetske lastnosti fenološko pomembnih lastnosti (višina rastlin, št. strokov na socvetju/rastlino in pridelek semena za osem genotipov polovično dialelnih križancev oljne repice. Rezultat dielektrične analize je pokazal značilne srednje kvadratne odklone splošnih (SPLO) in specifičnih (SPEC) lastnosti za vse proučevane lastnosti. To kaže na pomembnost delovanja aditivnega in ne-aditivnega učinka na proučevane lastnosti. V ozkem smislu je pokazala heritabiliteta za število dni do cvetenja, trajanja cvetenja in strokov na glavnem socvetju, da je glavni aditivni učinek na proučevane lastnosti. Liniji L420 in L401 sta z značilnimi negativnimi učinki na SPLO lastnosti za število dni do cvetenja, starosti ko rastline doseže zrelost sta bili primerni za tvorjenje zgodaj zrelih kombinacij oljne repice.
Linije L41, Zafar in L22 z značilno pozitivnimi učinki na SPLO lastnosti za količino semena so bili primerni za starševsko linijo za povečanje količine semen. Križanci s statistično značilnim pozitivnim SPEC lastnostmi imajo vsaj enega starša z značilno pozitivno lastnostjo za to SPLO lastnost. Možne najboljše kombinacije križanj so se pokazali križanci L41×L22, L41×LF2, Zafar×L22 in Zafar×L420, ki so imeli pridelek semena 3421,7, 3400, 3348,1 in 3311,3 kg ha-1. Omenjeni križanci so najboljši rekombinanti za visok pridelek semena in druge rastne lastnosti v naslednjih generacijah segregacijske selekcije.
Ključne besede: oljna repica, križanci, aditivni učinki, stopnja dominantnosti, sposobnost združevanja lastnosti, heritabiliteta, pridelek
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