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The effect of late autumn cutting of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) on the growth rhythm of the frst cut in the following year
pp. 87-95
The field experiment aimed at determination of influence of autumn harvest on rhythm of the growth of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and yield quality of the first cut in the following year was carried out in Spodnji Gabernik (258 m above sea level, 46º15'54.94'' N and 15º34'6.05'' E), in the fourth growth year of the lucerne variety 'Soča'. Te experiment was designed as a randomized block in four replications. The individual treatments represented weekly autumn cuttings (1) 24/9/2014, (2) 01/10/2014, (3) 08/10/2014, (4) 15/10/2014 and (5) 22/10/2014. The paper presents data associated with the amount of lucerne dry matter yield (DMY) per treatment compared with the DMY of the first spring cut in the year 2015 (18/05/2015). The growth rhythm of lucerne in each treatment, which took place before the first cut in year 2015, was based on the measurements of the height of the plants. The yield quality was evaluated by NIRS method for determination of crude protein (CP), the net energy of lactation (NEL) and metabolic energy (ME) in dry samples regarding to DMY of each treatment. In autumn 2014, statistically significant higher dry matter yields were obtained in later harvested treatments (5 and 4). Similarly, in spring 2015 the trend of higher crop dry matter yield was observed in treatments harvested later in the autumn of 2014. However, the differences were not significant. Statistically significant differences between treatments were acquired within CPY, NELY and MEY. Before the first mowing, in spring 2015, statistically significant trend of higher plants was also detected in treatments with later cutting in 2014.
Key words: lucerne, Medicago sativa, cutting regime, growth rhythm, dry matter yield
Vpliv pozne jesenske košnje lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) na ritem rasti prve košnje v naslednjem letu
V poljskem mikroposkusu, v Spodnjem Gaberniku (n.v. 258 m, 46º15'54.94'' N in 15º34'6.05'' E), smo v četrtem letu rasti lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) sorte 'Soča', ugotavljali vpliv zadnje jesenske košnje na razvoj in kakovost pridelka prve košnje v naslednjem letu. Poskus je bil zasnovan po metodi naključnega bloka v štirih ponovitvah. Posamezno obravnavanje (1) 24.9.2014, (2) 01.10.2014, (3) 08.10.2014, (4) 15.10.2014 in (5) 22.10.2014) so predstavljali tedenski zamiki jesenske košnje. V prispevku so podani rezultati pridelka suhe snovi (SS) po obravnavanjih v primerjavi s prvim odkosom v letu 2015 (18.05.2015). Pred košnjo v letu 2015 smo na osnovi meritev višine rastlin spremljali razvoj lucerne v posameznem obravnavanju. Kakovost pridelka smo ovrednotili z NIRS metodo. V odvzetih suhih vzorcih smo določili vsebnost surovih beljakovin (SB) in izračunali NEL in ME v rastlinskih vzorcih. Statistično značilno najvišje pridelke SS smo v jeseni 2014 dosegli v obravnavanjih košenih najkasneje (5 in 4). Prav tako v letu 2015 ugotavljamo trend višjih pridelkov SS pri kasneje košenih obravnavanjih jeseni 2014. Statistično značilne razlike smo ugotovili pri hektarskih pridelkih SB, NEL in ME. Pri merjenju višine posameznih rastlin pred prvo košnjo spomladi 2015 je bil opazen statistično značilen trend višjih rastlin z opravljeno poznejšo zadnjo košnjo v letu 2014.
Ključne besede: lucerna, Medicago sativa, čas košnje, ritem rasti in razvoja, pridelek
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