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Comparison of the two microsporidia that infect honey bees – a review
pp. 49-56
Two microsporidian species, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, infect honey bees (Apis mellifera) worldwide. They are obligate intracellular parasites that multiply in the epithelial lining of the bee’s midgut and cause nosemosis. N. ceranae infections were primarily found in Apis cerana and raised interest in the last decade with the discovery of their presence in the European honey bee (Apis mellifera). Nosema spp. utilizes hosts’ energetic reserves for the purpose of propagation and disrupts the digestive processes of the bee. Nosemosis reduces the lifespan of a single bee and affects the performance of the colony. It also has an economic impact through the reduction in the honey and pollen yield of severely infected colonies or even causes them to collapse. Lack of effective therapy for nosemosis is of special concern and calls for scientific attention. Although N. ceranae and N. apis are similar in many aspects, there are important differences between them such as clinical signs of infection or the ability to resist low temperatures.
Key words: honey bee, microsporidia, Nosema ceranae, Nosema apis
Primerjava mikrosporidijev, ki povzročata okužbe pri medonosni čebeli – pregledni članek
Nosema apis in Nosema ceranae sta vrsti mikrosporidijev, ki povzročata okužbe pri medonosni čebeli (Apis mellifera) širom sveta. Gre za obligatne znotrajcelične parazite, ki se razmnožujejo v črevesnem epitelu čebele in povzročajo nosemavost. Okužbe z N. ceranae so prvič odkrili pri Apis cerana, zanimanje zanje pa je naraslo v zadnjem desetletju, ko so ugotovili njihovo prisotnost pri medonosni čebeli (A. mellifera). Oba parazita iz rodu Nosema porabljata energetske zaloge gostitelja za lastno razmnoževanje in škodujeta njegovim prebavnim procesom. Okužba skrajšuje življenjsko dobo čebel in prizadene delovanje celotne čebelje družine. Nosemavost ima negativen učinek na donos medu in cvetnega prahu pri močno okuženih družinah, lahko pa celo privede do njihovega propada. Pomanjkanje učinkovitih metod zdravljenja nosemavosti zahteva razvoj novih. Kljub številnim podobnostim obstajajo med obema povzročiteljema pomembne razlike kot so klinični znaki okužbe in odpornost na nizke temperature.
Ključne besede: medonosna čebela, mikrosporidiji, Nosema ceranae, Nosema apis
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