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Impact of salt reduction on the number of microorganisms and a sensory analysis for Kranjska sausages during their shelf-life
Livija TUŠAR, Irena Leonida KROPF, Avrelija CENCIČ
pp. 33-47
Salt is an important ingredient in the production of meat product. Any reduction of salt requires a special treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of salt reduction on the growth of microorganisms in Kranjska sausages during their shell-life and to carry out a sensory assessment. The 18 lots of sausages were prepared under salt-reduced (1.6%) and control (2.3%) salt concentrations, directly on the production line. A total of 85 sausages were analysed and the data were used for the comparisons of groups (ANOVA) and to detect the significant variables (polynomial models) influenced on the total number of microorganisms (TNMs). The significant differences were determined between the lots (representing the microbiological status of the stuffing), between the salt-reduced samples and control samples, and between the different humidity levels. The correlations and significant relationships were determined between the TNMs and the lots, the salt concentrations, and the relative humidity. The polynomial models were to general to be used for the prediction. For sensory analysis implemented on 40th day 18 sausages were assessed. The reduction of salt resulted in lower scores in the sensory evaluation. The less-salted sausages contained more microorganisms.
Key words: Kranjska sausage, reduction of salt, sensory evaluation, models, relative humidity
Vpliv zniževanja soli na vsebnost skupnega število mikroorganizmov in senzorično analizo v kranjskih klobasah v času njihovega roka uporabnosti
Sol je pomembna sestavina v proizvodnji mesnih izdelkov in vsako zniževanje vsebnosti soli zahteva posebno obravnavo. Ta študija je bila izvedena z namenom ugotavljanja vpliva zmanjševanja soli na rast mikroorganizmov v kranjskih klobasah in na senzorično oceno v času njihovega roka trajanja. 18 lotov klobas je bilo pripravljenih z zmanjšano količino (1,6%) in s kontrolno količino (2,3%) soli neposredno na proizvodni liniji. Analiziranih je bilo 85 klobas. Podatki so bili uporabljeni za primerjave skupin (ANOVA) in za odkrivanje značilnih spremenljivk (polinomski modeli), ki vplivajo na skupno število mikroorganizmov (SŠM). Signifkantne razlike so bile določene med loti Kranjskih klobas (ki predstavljajo mikrobiološko stanje nadeva), med vzorci klobas z zmanjšano količino in kontrolno količino soli in med različnimi stopnjami zračne vlage. Korelacije in signifkantna razmerja so bila določena med SŠMs in loti, koncentracijo soli v klobasi in relativno vlažnostjo. Polinomi so bili preveč splošni, da bi se lahko uporabljali za napovedovanje. Senzorična analiza je bila izvedena na 40. dan. Ocenili smo 18 klobas. Pri ocenjevanju je zmanjšanje soli prineslo klobasam nižje ocene. Manj slane klobase so vsebovale več mikroorganizmov.
Ključne besede: Kranjska klobasa, zmanjševanje soli, senzorično ocenjevanje, modeli, relativna vlažnost
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