Previous volumes:
Perspectives of Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.) genetic improvement
Andrej ŠUŠEK
pp. 11-19
The Christmas rose is becoming a very important ornamental plant on the market. It is relatively new to intensive production technologies. The number of genetically-improved varieties on the market is limited, and many of the old cultivars are no longer available because of slow and economically unfeasible vegetative propagation. In the future, its genetic improvement will probably become inevitable. New cultivars will have to satisfy the specific requirements of the market and producers as well as strict environmental policy. In order to obtain new cultivars it will be necessary to evaluate the existing germplasm and apply an adequate genetic breeding approach. There are seven main possibilities of creating new varieties: the use of natural variation associated with seed germination, population approach based on recurrent selection, individual selection based on specific genetic combinations, the creation of inbred lines and the formation of hybrids, interspecific hybridisation, mutagenesis and genetic engineering. Molecular markers can be very helpful during the breeding process. They can be used in order to study genetic relationships amongst populations, ecotypes, varieties, and hybrids.
Key words: Christmas rose, Helleborus niger, cultivars, breeding perspectives
Pregled in možnosti žlahtnjenja črnega teloha (Helleborus niger L.)
Črni teloh postaja na trgu okrasnih rastlin zelo pomembna rastlinska vrsta, ki pa je relativno nova v intenzivni proizvodnji. Število novih požlahtnjenih sort je na trgu sorazmerno nizko. Veliko starih sort ni več na voljo zaradi počasnega in ekonomsko nerentabilnega vegetativnega razmnoževanje. V prihodnosti bo potrebno zagotoviti nove atraktivne sorte, ki bodo morale izpolnjevati posebne zahteve trga in proizvajalcev, kakor tudi stroge okoljske omejitve. Uspeh žlahtnjenja novih sort je odvisen predvsem od genetske variabilnosti razpoložljivih materialov v genskih kolekcijah in naravnih populacijah ter izbrane metode dela. Obstaja sedem različnih možnosti za oblikovanje novih sortnih materialov: uporaba naravne variabilnosti v povezavi z uporabo semen, populacijsko žlahtnjenje (ki temelji na rekurentni selekciji), neposredna odbira najboljših osebkov iz potomstev specifičnih genskih kombinacij (križanj ali samooploditev), ustvarjanje homozigotnih linij in oblikovanje hibridov, medvrstna hibridizacija, oblikovanje mutacij in genski inženiring. V procesu žlahtnjenja so lahko zelo koristni tudi molekulski markerji, ki se lahko prav tako uporabljajo za proučevanje genetske sorodnosti med populacijami, ekotipi, sortami in hibridi.
Ključne besede: črni teloh, Helleborus niger, sorte, možnosti žlahtnjenja
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