Previous volumes:
System dynamics models as decision-making tools in agritourism
pp. 5-10
Agritourism as a type of niche tourism is a complex and sofly defned phaenomenon. Te demands for fast and integrated decision regarding agritourism and its interconnections with environment, economy (investments, trafc) and social factors (tourists) is urgent. Many different methodologies and methods master sofly structured questions and dilemmas with global and local properties. Here we present methods of systems thinking and system dynamics, which were frst brought into force in the educational and training area in the form of different computer simulations and later as tools for decision-making and organisational re-engineering. We develop system dynamics models in order to present accuracy of methodology. Tese models are essentially simple and can serve only as describers of the activity of basic mutual influences among variables. We will pay the attention to the methodology for parameter model values determination and the so-called mental model. Tis one is the basis of causal connections among model variables. At the end, we restore a connection between qualitative and quantitative models in frame of system dynamics.
Key words: agritourism, multi-criteria decision-making, modelling, system dynamics
Modeli sistemske dinamike kot orodja odločanja za turizem na podeželju
Turizem na podeželju je kot tržna niša turizma kompleksen in mehko definiran pojav. Medsebojne povezave turističnih kmetij z okoljem, gospodarstvom (investicije, promet) in z družbenimi dejavniki (turisti) zahtevajo hitre in celovite rešitve. Mnogo različnih metodologij in metod obvladuje mehko strukturirana vprašanja in dileme lokalnih in globalnih razsežnosti. V članku predstavljamo metodi sistemskega mišljenja in sistemske dinamike, ki sta bili prvič predstavljeni v okolju izobraževanja in usposabljanja v obliki raznih računalniških simulacij in kasneje kot orodji za odločanje ter organizacijski re-inženiring. Z namenom predstavitve primernosti metodologije, v članku razvijemo modele sistemske dinamike. Ti modeli so v bistvu enostavni in služijo kot opisovalci osnovnih medsebojnih vplivov kriterijev. Pozornost posvečamo metodologiji za določanje vrednosti kriterijev modela in tako imenovanemu mentalnemu modelu. Leta predstavlja osnovo vzročnih povezav med kriteriji modela. Na koncu obnovimo povezavo med kvalitativnim in kvantitativnim modelom v okviru sistemske dinamike.
Ključne besede: turizem na podeželju, večkriterijsko odločanje, modeliranje sistemska dinamika
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