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The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439

LEE Seong Wei, NAJIAH Musa, WENDY Wee
pp. 5-7

This study was revealed antimicrobial property of Colocasia esculenta against 5 strains of Vibrio spp. The increasing of antibiotic resistance cases among pathogenic bacteria such as Vibrio spp. posed a problem to aquaculture industry. Most of the antibiotics were no longer effective in controlling pathogenic bacteria in aquaculture. Therefore, this study was carried out to seek the potential of C. esculenta to alternate commercial antibiotic as antimicrobial agent against Vibrio spp. Three parts (leaf, stem and legume) of C. esculenta were extracted by using methanol and distilled water. The extractions were subjected to antimicrobial test by using disk diffusion method. Vibrio alginolyticus, V. cholera, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus were the bacterial strains that applied in the present study. The results of the present study indicated that only leaf of C. esculenta extracted using distilled water shows antimicrobial activity against all the tested bacterial strains whereas other extractions did not possess antimicrobial property against the tested bacteria. This study revealed the huge potential of aqueous extract of C. esculenta to alternate commercial antibiotic as antimicrobial agent for aquaculture use.

Key words: Colocasia esculenta, Vibrio spp., methanol extract, aqueous extract


In vitro antimikrobne aktivnosti ekstrakta Colocasia esculenta proti Vibrio spp. – kratek prispevek

Raziskava je pokazala antimikrobno lastnost Colocasia esculenta proti 5. sevom Vibrio spp. Povečevanje primerov odpornosti patogenih bakterij Vibrio spp. proti antibiotikom predstavlja za ribogojstvo veliko težavo. Večina antibiotikov ni več učinkovitih pri obvladovanju patogene bakterije v akvakulturi. Zato je ta študija želela proučiti potencial C. esculenta kot alternativo komercialnemu antibiotiku in sicer kot antimikrobno sredstvo proti Vibrio spp. Trije deli (listi, stebla in stroki) C. esculenta so bili ekstrahirani z uporabo metanola in destilirane vode. Ekstrakcije so bile podvrženi protimikrobnem testu z uporabo »disk difuzijske« metode. Vibrio Alginolyticus, V. kolera, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus in V. vulnificus so bakterijske sevi, ki so bili uporabljeni v tej študiji. Rezultati te študije so pokazali, da le listi C. esculenta ekstrahirani z destilirano vodo kažejo antimikrobno aktivnost proti vsem testiranih bakterijskim sevom, medtem ko druge ekstrakcije niso imele protimikrobnega delovanja na testirane bakterije. Ta študija je pokazala velik potencial za uporabo v ribogojstvu in sicer vodnega ekstrakta C. esculenta kot nadomestila komercialnemu antibiotiku zaradi njenega antimikrobnega delovanje.

Ključne besede: Colocasia esculenta; Vibrio spp.; izvleček metanola; vodni izvleček


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