The school web site as the communication and educational network centre
pp. 47-48
The autonomous web sites of secondary schools have been a natural part of school presentation for many years. The schools are aware of their meaning in communication with public. Internet technologies have been developing very fast and the students of secondary schools belong to their regular users. The use of internet technologies on the school web sites for the purposes of education and school management is possible, but it is not very common by now. In this contribution, a survey among 228 secondary schools in the Czech Republic is presented. There were various aspects of evaluation in this survey: means of communication, up-to-date of information, the educational content of web site, the use of web site for the school management and presentation of students’ work. The survey results suggest that the use of school web site for the above-mentioned reasons is very small.
Key words: school web site, web-based technologies, communication, education, school management.
1. Květoň K.: Úloha e-learningu na školách (Základní informace pro manažery vzdělávání), Centrum informačních technologií Ostravské univerzity, 2005, 20 s.