Information skills in the education
pp. 5-8
Nowadays we live in the Information Age. It means that information is expanding at an unprecedented rate, and enormously rapid strides are being made in modern technology. Information sources are an important component of the didactic system, mainly concerning the content of education. They have a direct relation to information and communication technologies and to the non-material means of the education. Information and communication technologies are strong means for improving educational quality and didactic effectiveness too. Good information infrastructure and teachers ability for using information and communication technologies create basic conditions for the successful implementation of modern technologies. It is the challenge for educational system and it is needfulness integrate it. Students must become information skills and teachers must be able to create fit conditions for it. The new teacher`s role it is a support participation on the personal learner`s study efforts. Teacher in this conception must be only a facilitator of student learning rather than as presenter of ready-made information.
The paper defines the theoretical way out and topics for practical implementation this conception on the teacher training and here are concrete research results of the internal ad international research activities of the Institute of Education and Communication of the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague too.
Key words: Information and communication technologies, information skills, teacher training, teaching and learning, questionnaire search.
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