Grass communities in intensive and extensive orchards
pp. 9-22
The composition of weed-herbal plant communities in several apple orchards grown around Maribor was investigated. In an intensive apple orchard, plant species were documented separately in the green cover between rows of trees, within the herbicide zones under canopies, and on the areas of extreme soil compaction such as cart tracks. Due to intensive mowing and treading, the following plant communities were established in the studied plantations: Lolietum multiflorae Dietl et Lehmann 1975, Lolio perennis – Cynosuretum Br. – Bl. et De Leeuw 1936 nom. Inv. and Lolietum perennis Gams 1927. In cart tracks, the most common was the community Lolietum perennis Gams 1927, whereas in the herbicide zone the communities could not be defined because of insufficient number of species needed for a reliable differentiation. In extensive apple plantations, the grass and herbal communities were classified as Pastinaco – Arrhenatheretum Passarge 1964.
Key words: apple, Malus domestica apple plantations, plant comununites weed control
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