Frost resistance evaluation of the common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) varieties
pp. 10-12
The aim of this study was to determine the most sensitive growth stage of the common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) to frost temperatures, and to evaluate differences in frost resistance among varieties. A modified field-laboratory approach method was used for the evaluation of four varieties. The lethal temperature (LT 50) was determined for all variants. The critical time for lethal temperature (LT 50) was determined in the stage of two secondary leaves. Millet is the most sensitive to frost temperature from the stage of two secondary leaves to the beginning of tillering. Differences among sensitivity of growth stages are influenced by environmental conditions. The lethal temperature of the common millet ranged from –1.5 to –4.1°C, depending on stage of development and growth conditions. Differences among varieties were significant in field conditions. Variety 'Hanacka Mana' was the most resistant from chosen varieties in field.
Key words: common millet, Panicum miliaceum, frost resistance, variety evaluation
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