Erosion effects in the central steppe chernozem soils of Ukraine. I. soil properties
pp. 12-18
The chernozem soils (rich, black mollisols) of the steppe are an important soil resource, but are being degraded by erosion. Experiments were conducted to identify in detail the effects of erosion on soil physical and chemical properties in order to guide preservation and reclamation efforts. These experiments compared three levels of erosion: E0 (not eroded), E1 (mild erosion), and E2 (moderate erosion), at 10 cm depth increments from 0 – 1 m. Eroded soils had significantly higher pH and carbonate values, and significantly lower humus and clay contents. For most soil macro- and micro-nutrients, E2 was 30-50% lower than E0. Among the 10 depths tested, significant differences occurred for most variables, including pH, carbonate, humus, clay, and all macronutrients. Micronutrient differences with depth occurred for Mn, Zn, and Cu, but not for Mg, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb, or Cr. There was a strong positive relationship with depth for pH and clay and a strong inverse relationship for carbonate, humus, N, C:N ratio, mobile P, Ca and Mn. A moderate inverse relationship with depth existed for K, Zn and Fe. In general, there were very strong correlations within a group of variables including pH, carbonate, humus, N, P, Ca, Mn and Zn. K and Cu exhibited strong correlations with many of the variables in the first group. Adding NPK increased yield for barley and maize in both non-eroded and eroded soils, with additional yield given by micro-nutrients, especially Co. In addition to rational use of fertilizer, a combination of carefully chosen crop rotation and other management strategies are needed in order to use and reclaim eroded soils.
Key words: erosion, soil profile, trace elements, humus, reclamation
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