Application of image analysis for monitoring growth
pp. 6-11
A new approach for counting apple fruits, measuring fruit’s diameter and estimating the current yield under flash lighting conditions in the fruit tree plantation was developed and tested in the 2002 and 2003. During the vegetation images of ten trees were captured five times in both years by applying CCD camera. A close correlation was established between manually counted number of fruits per tree and the estimated number of fruits (r=0.70 to 0.88). However, relatively lower coefficient was estimated for measuring the fruit’s diameter (r=0.33 to 0.88). The established correlation coefficients for the average yield per tree was also increasing with the ripening of fruit significantly (r=0.28 to 0.87), therefore the developed algorithm promises a good possibility for forecasting the yield at harvesting on the basis of June and July samples.
Key words: image analysis, apple, Malus domestica, yield, fruit, diameter
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