Preliminary survey of Chondrilla juncea L. (Asteraceae) and its natural enemies in Bulgaria
pp. 12-15
Chondrilla juncea L. is a herbaceous, taprooted perrenial, native to Eurasia. It was introduced to Australia and USA where it became one of the major noxious weeds, because of the absence or inefficiency of its natural enemies. We conducted a preliminary survey to locate the populations of Chondrilla juncea in Bulgaria and to determine possible agents of biocontrol. The investigation indicates that juncea is widespread in Bulgaria mainly on disturbed area and roadsides. It also occurs in orchards, vineyards, rose fields and wheat plots. It was found that the agents, which are established in Australia and North America as a part of a program for biological control, are also associated with C. juncea in Bulgaria. Additionally, we found leaf-feeding beetles and moths, root-miners, and seed-feeding flies and moths.
Agricultura 2: 12-15 (2003)
Key words: Chondrilla juncea; rush skeletonweed; distribution in Bulgaria; fenology; biocontrol agents
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