Monitoring of western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis [Pergande], Thysanoptera) in the vicinity of greenhouses in different climatic conditions in Slovenia
pp. 1-6
To study the bionomics of western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) in Slovenia in the open, monitoring of this pest was performed on six locations in the vicinity of the greenhouses using light blue sticky boards. From the data obtained during this investigation - from September 1997 till April 1999 - it was established that the occurrence of western flower thrips in the open coincides with periods, when the air temperature is within the estimated limits of favourable conditions (15 °C - 25 °C). It was found that in districts with the temperate continental climate, the favourable period for the development of western flower thrips is between the middle of May and the middle of September. However, in districts with the submediterranean climate, this period extends from the beginning of May till the beginning of October. In the first districts, the air temperatures are above the lower developmental threshold from the middle of April till the middle of October, in comparison to the later districts where the air temperatures are above the same threshold from the end of March till the middle of November. Therefore it can be concluded that in Slovenia western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis [Pergande]) does not overwinter in the open in the stage of an active adult. For the time being it can be considered as an economically important pest only in greenhouses. Agricultura 2: 1-6 (2003)
Key words: monitoring; Frankliniella occidentalis; environment; overwintering; Slovenia
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