In vitro propagation of Gisela 5 (Prunus cerasus × P. canescens)
pp. 31-34
The main purpose of the presented study was to investigate the techniques for in vitro propagation of Gisela 5 (a rootstock for cherry trees). Shoot tips and axillary buds were used as a source for explants. The buds were previously sterilized using two approaches. The first approach was based on dichloroisocyanuric acid and involved 23 buds, of which 95.5% survived. The second approach was based on sodium hypochlorite and involved 21 buds, of which 57.1% survived. Vital sprouts were subcultivated on the multiplication media G1 (based on MS medium) and G2 (based on woody plant medium). Out of 40 sprouts 119, sprouts were successfully regenerated on the G1 medium, and 169 on the G2 medium. The G2 culture medium has proved to be better, since the percentage of callused and failed sprouts was lower when compared with G1 culture medium. In vitro developed plants were transferred to four culture media for rooting, which differed in the content of auxines (IBA and NAA). In the culture medium with 0.5 mg/L IBA, the percentage of rooted plants was the highest (90%) compared with medium with 1 mg/L NAA which resulted in the lowest percentage (65%) of rooted plants. Rooted plants were transplanted into the growth substrate and acclimatised using two approaches. Acclimatization in the moist chamber was better when compared to the common growth chamber, since acclimatization in the moist chamber survived more plants (36.4%) compared with acclimatisation in the common growth chamber (11.5%).
Key words: Gisela 5, cherry rootstock, micropropagation, in vitro propagation
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