Grain production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) at different altitudes in Garhwal Himalaya, India
Munesh Kumar and Govind Singh Rajwar
pp. 11-16
To estimate the grain production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.), at three different altitudinal regions (i.e., tropical, sub-tropical and temperate) were selected. At each altitude two villages one of irrigated and another rain fed agriculture systems were taken to compare grain production between the agriculture systems and further agriculture systems of each altitude was compared along altitudinal basis. The irrigated villages were Ganga Bhogpur, Bhainswara and Dhaulana in the tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions and rain fed villages were Kunow, Ghargoan and Chunnikhal in respective regions. Among the irrigated villages, maximum production of wheat was in the village Bhainswara (sub-tropical region) followed by the village Ganga Bhogpur (tropical region) and Dhaulana (temperate region). The highest grain production of wheat in the village Bhainswara could be due to highest input of labour energy and optimum availability of nutrients in the soil. In rain fed villages the production of wheat was comparatively lower then irrigated. Similarly, for rice higher inputs (human and bullock labour, chemical fertilizer) favoured highest grain production in Ganga Bhogpur. Among the villages Ganga Bohpur produced 1.79 kg/capita/day grain production of wheat followed by 1.0 kg/capita/day of rice which was observed sufficient food production for subsistence to the villagers (as villagers opinion said) whereas, other villages have comparatively lower grain production. The average output: input ratio across all the study regions were 1.73 (tropical), 0.99 (sub-tropical), and 0.91 (temperate), which decreased with increasing altitudes. The agriculture productions in lower altitudes are comparatively good for the villager subsistence requirement than the higher hilly agriculture production. Although throughout the year nutrient level (phosphorus and potassium) were lowest in the temperate region. The grain production of crop reduced with increasing altitude because of low photoperiod in the high altitude which influences the grain production of both the crop with increasing altitude therefore increasing altitude people are not getting their proper food requirement and migrating towards plain to fulfill their subsistence need. Thus these traditional agricultural production can be saved through encourage people by producing organic farming for high economic value for livelihood security.
Key words: yield production, energy budget, nutrient status, Garhwal Himalaya
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