Effects of the water based plant care concentrate, Mineral, on winter wheat
Nina PRAH, Manfred JAKOP and Franc BAVEC
pp. 3-10
"Plant care" products applied to foliage have a variety of uses for plant protection, plant nutrition and other purposes. Field study was set (2007-2009) to identify the effects of a foliar application of 12 ml 5.0 m-2 (24 l ha-1) of the water based product, Mineral, on the winter wheat cultivar, Soissons. Mineral is recommended in organic production. The applications were provided during the BBCH 05, BBCH 21/23, BBCH 32/33, and BBCH 47/49 growth stages of winter wheat at the University of Maribor Agricultural Centre. An additional treatment at a dose of 80 l ha-1 was performed in 2009. The data show no significant effects of Mineral on the yield (P ≥ 0.05) compared with a control treatment. On the other hand, treated plants had the most intensively green leaves. Although there were no significant differences among the treatments and control in morphological parameters (spike length, spikelet's per spike, kernel weight per spike and kernels per spike), some improvements of a higher dose of Mineral application were apparent. The application of Mineral in experimental circumstances had some beneficial effects on plant (less damage caused by cereal leaf beetle), but no significant effect on yield. The results of a higher dose of Mineral application in 2009 suggest the value of further investigations.
Key words: plant growth regulators, growth stimulators, plant protection, winter wheat, yield response functions, Mineral
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