A combination of the Multi-criteria approach and SWOT analysis for the identification of shortcomings in the production and marketing of local food
Jernej PRIŠENK and Andreja BOREC
pp. 31-37
A combination of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and SWOT analysis was developed by applying the DEX method for the identification of shortcomings of the production and marketing of local food products in Slovenia. Additionally, a plus-minus 1 analysis was introduced and the influences of different attributes on the final assessment of the local food products were examined. The main shortcomings in the production and marketing processes for local foods were found, and results were given in the form of attributes represented as Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The joint results of DEX and SWOT analysis gave clear information as to which attributes or factors need to be improved for the success of local food production.
Key words: local food, multi-criteria decision model, DEX, SWOT analysis
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