Quality of Styrian wines from the period of Archduke John of Austria until today
Janez Valdhuber
pp. 31-39
The most important milestones in the quality of Styrian wines (winegrowing regions of the Slovene part of Styria) in last two centuries were: improvement of assortment and clonal selection, pest control, introduction of must clarification, proper use of sulfur dioxide and fining agents, introduction of chaptalization and correction of acidity. For the past two centuries, the style of produced wines has been changing constantly. In the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, stable and clear bottled wine could be produced only by long standing wine maturation in wooden barrels. Therefore, the bottled wine was mainly dry and had an overaged flavor. For the production of sweet wines, the development of sterile filtration was of essential importance. The wines could be bottled earlier so they preserved their varietal aroma. Nowadays, the most important characteristics of Styrian wines are freshness and fine varietal aromatic flavor. Both in time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Yugoslavia, Styrian white wines were considered the best in the region. Styrian wine quality reached its peak when Slovenia gained independence due to increased competition. At the beginning of the 21st century, the introduction of modern technologies in viticulture and winemaking and their transfer into practice made Styrian white wines more competitive with wines produced in renowned regions around the globe.
Key words: wine, quality, Slovene part of Styria
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