An overwiew of ampelographic research and modifications of grapevine assortment
pp. 11-20
Ampelography is the science field of botany concerned with the identification and classification of grapevines. It focuses on descriptions of individual varieties and rootstocks. Due to different names attributed to particular varieties, it has been extremely difficult to identify grapevines both in practice and in expert literature. More common varieties were given various new names and synonyms. For this reason, considerable confusion has been created in terms of nomenclature. In the beginning, experts endeavoured to overcome these difficulties with the help of ampelographic collections. Later, a more systematic approach had been applied. One of the pioneers in this field had been Franz Trummer, who described in detail 282 varieties in Styria (1841). During this period, varieties from the Rhineland had been added to the assortment. Soon after, Matija Vertovec summed up descriptions of varieties according to Trummer in his publication entitled Vinoreja (Winegrowing) published in 1844. This publication represents the first Slovene work on viticulture. At the 1873 winegrowers’ congress in Vienna, an International Ampelographic Comission was set up to international coordination of denomination of vine varieties. Names of varieties from the region of origin had been taken as the prime name, while all other names were regarded synonyms. Hermann Goethe became Managing Director of the Comission and publishes pioneering documentation into viticulture and origins of vine varieties in our latitude. This ampelographic glossary, which was drawn up in 1876 in Maribor, represents one of the Comission’s first achievements. At the 1879 winegrowers’ congress in Budapest, a classification system was adopted according to which all varieties were classified into three groups depending on the shape of the grapes, the shape of the leaves and the pilosity of leaves. This Congress also confirmed the procedure for grafting grapevines onto American rootstock as the most suitable way of protecting vines against phylloxera. After the onset of phylloxera, the assortment had changed considerably, and the number of varieties had been reduced. Wine-growers tried to improve the quality of wine by introducing new varieties. Following expert discussions, Anton Stiegler put forward a suggestion for the assortment in 1904, which was published in 1905 by Franz Zweifler, the principal of the School of Fruit- and Wine-Growing in Maribor. It was translated into Slovene by Ivan Bele. By that time, Franz Zweifler was already recommending that wine-growers plant only two or three varieties. The transfer of knowledge at that time played an important role in agricultural companies, experimental estates and schools, starting with the first School of Viticulture in 1832.
Key words: grapevine, ampelography, grapevine varieties
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