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Publishing of the journal Agricultura is financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency.

Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Our Profile

The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439

Marinka BRGLEZ SEVER, Stanislav TOJNKO, Tatjana UNUK*

pp. 25-31


The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been designed to shrink funds that Hungarian agricultural reform will ineNowadays, anti-hail nets are a part of basic equipment in a modern apple orchards. They decrease the risks of apple production and thus allow regular and quality apple harvest. Colours of nets differently obstruct the passing of light through the net, which directly affects some quality parameters of the yield, especially the fruit skin colour. The article includes a brief overview of studies associated with the impact of light exposure under different types of anti-hail nets on quality of apple fruits, as well as investigations which deal with adaptation of various technological measures, such as the use of reflective ground foil. A part of data from the existing literature explains the effect of anti-hail net usage on forming a microclimate under the net, and consequently, its effect on the development and dynamics of diseases and pests.

Key words: Anti-hail net, light, microclimate, apples, yield quality


Vpliv različnih tipov protitočnih mrež na prepustnost svetlobe in parametre kakovosti jabolk – pregledni članek

Danes protitočne mreže predstavljajo osnovno opremo v nasadih jablan. Zmanjšujejo rizik pridelave in hkrati omogočajo redne pridelke jabolk visoke kakovosti. Različne barve mreže različno močno ovirajo prehod svetlobe, kar ima neposredni vliv na parametre kakovosti pridelka, posebej obarvanost. Članek vkjučuje kratki pregled objav, povezanih s prepustnostjo svetlobe svozi različne tipe protitočnih mrež ter posledično vpliv na kakovost plodov. Vključene so tudi vsebine raziskav, ki tečejo na temo prilagoditve posameznih tehnoloških ukrepov v nasadu, kot je to npr. uporaba reflektivne folije. Nekaj zbranih informacij, ki jih lahko najdemo v literaturi, pa pojasnjuje vpliv protitočnih mrež na vzpostavitev mikroklime v nasadu ter posledično vpliv na razvoj in dinamiko pojava posameznih bolezni in škodljivcev.

Ključne besede: /


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