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Publishing support

Publishing of the journal Agricultura is financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency.

Izdajanje revije Agricultura je finančno podprto s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Our Profile

The journal AGRICULTURA (A) publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, land management, agricultural economics, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
ISSN 1581-5439


pp. 1-7


The placement of a theme park in the form of a Zen garden, as a business opportunity in the Slovenian rural area, is discussed. The design of the garden, with all the major points of a standard business plan, is accurately presented, with a description of the business, branch, and services, market analysis, marketing strategy, financial projections, and a plan of the work and activities. The financial aspect is presented as the amount of investment, net present value, and internal rate of return. The amount of investment is estimated at €14.891, which should be reimbursed within 4 years of operations. The estimated internal rate of return is estimated at 16.86%. Part of the study is the market analysis - conduction of a survey into knowledge of, and interest in, Zen and Zen gardens. The principles of landscape ecology are respected, as the Zen garden would be set in the woods and will blend seamlessly into the landscape.

Key words: theme parks, sustainable tourism, investment, financial indicators, landscape ecology


Poslovni načrt za Zen vrt

Diskutirana je umestitev tematskega parka - zen vrta, kot poslovna priložnost na območju slovenskega podeželja. Natančno je predstavljena zasnova vrta z vsemi glavnimi sklopi standardnega poslovnega načrta: opis podjetja in panoge, opis storitve, analiza trga, strategija trženja, finančne projekcije ter načrt dela in aktivnosti. Finančni vidik je predstavljen z oceno finančnih parametrov kot so višina investicije, neto sedanja vrednost in interna stopnja donosa. Višina investicije projekta je ocenjena na 14.890,70 €, povrnila naj bi se v 4 letih poslovanja. Ocenjena interna stopnja donosa ob povratku investicije je 16,86 %. Del raziskave predstavlja analiza trga -izvedba ankete o poznavanju in zanimanju za zen in zen vrt. Pri načrtovanju zen vrta so upoštevani principi krajinske ekologije, saj postavitev vrta v gozdvsekakor vpliva na krajino.

Ključne besede: /


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16. Žibrat M. Poslovni načrt za zen vrt / The business plan for a Zen garden; diplomsko delo. Maribor. 2015. 37 p: September 2015).

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